Hilarious auto correct fails πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Hello friends! Today's topic is about auto correct. A few days ago Duke and I was talking about auto correct and how funny sometimes it can be. Using text messages  is handy, but beware the dreaded autocorrect can make things very awkward.

We all know that autocorrection is a spell-checking function commonly found in word processors that automatically corrects spelling and/or grammatical mistakes made by the typist. 

No one knows exactly how it works. What we do know is that it behaves differently on everyone’s phone and it β€˜learns’ words based on things you have typed in the past. 

Anyways lol hope you will enjoy the discussion. Please share anything related to the topic, gifs, pic or music. Or just chat with your friends and have fun. πŸ™‚

PS: my auto correct thinks it knows better than me.



