Free Hugs Friday at The Dog House! πŸ˜πŸ€—

Hello, everyone! Today is National Hug Day, but if you ask me, every day should start with hugging the ones we love and care about. But that's just me 😁

The first sense that starts working in the womb, is the sense of touch, a very important sense that allows us not only to explore the world around us, but also to communicate and express our feelings to others.

Now, from a scientific point of view, there are two distinct touch systems, the fast touch and the slow touch. And we are talking about the slow touch, now. 😁 I found interesting that there are new discovered tactile nerves, " cuddle nerves", which process the emotional meaning of touch. These cuddle nerves are activated by a gentle touch, the kind, typical hug or caress, touch, and they are the ones sending signals to the brain's emotion processing network. And I won't talk now about the oxytocin hormone that, I believe everyone knows about. 

*giggles*... OK, class dismissed!!... now go and hug someone!πŸ˜‚ And don't forget this hug stuff goes both ways!! 

We are back to our usual schedule😁, so let's share funnies, gifs, memes and of course music, related to hugs, the fuzzy feeling that it brings. 

As always, smile a lot and be gentle with yourself and others! 😁


Happy Birthday, TOT


Happy Humpday, All