School Days

I have always loved learning about anything and everything, so I really enjoyed my school days, even the exams.

I always went to mixed schools. My primary school was a tiny one, serving just our village and the outlying farms.
I was the only boy in my year with seven girls. It was a tough job but someone had to do it!! 😂
Then I went to a bigger comprehensive school at age eleven to study for my O levels and finally a technical college to do my A levels.
I didn't go on to university, which I do regret now and again. But I left school and walked into a job the same day so I can't complain there!!

My favourite subjects were the sciences and art, but I pretty much loved them all.
Double maths or English literature could be heavy going sometimes though, especially on a late afternoon!

Did you love your school days or could you not wait to leave?
What sort of schools did you go to?
What were your favourite subjects?

Today, let's share anything to do with school and learning!!


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


Happy Humpday


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