Gadgets, Gizmos & Inventions

Where would we be without the electric light bulb, other than in the dark?

Who was the first genius to fix a wheel to a cart or barrow, rather than rolling large objects along on wooden logs?

And we wouldn’t be talking to each other now without the many brains behind the development of electronics and the Internet!

It takes a special person to look at an issue and come up with a radical solution to make things easier, faster, and cheaper.
Telephones, TVs, microwave ovens, mobile phones, music players . . . the list is endless.

Artificial Intelligence is on the rise. That’s a big concern to many people.
And now, we have robots beginning to take over many functions, including surgery.

I am sure all of us have gadgets, gizmos and inventions around the house - for lifestyle enhancement, cooking, communication or entertainment.
What are the ones that you really couldn’t live without?
Have you invented a gadget for yourself?
What do you think are the inventions that have really changed the world, for better or worse?

Let’s share everything inventive today, including any wacky ones you may have seen out there, as well as our usual friendly fun and chat!


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


☀️🌶️❄️🧊Hot or Cold☀️🌶️❄️🧊


🌭🌭It’s National Hot Dog Day🌭🌭