🦮It’s National Walk Your Dog Week🦮

This week is Walk Your Dog Week. Walking your dog is a great way to have fun with your dog and keep him healthy and fit. But why keep it just to Walk Your Dog Week? A good walk would benefit us all.

The week was founded in 2010 by Colleen Paige, a "pet expert" to keep dogs healthy and stop them from being destructive, cos a bored dog is not a good dog! Dogs left alone can also be destructive, but if they have had a nice walk, they will sleep.

There is nothing like a walk to brighten your day up, whatever time of year it is. With the changing seasons, you will notice the difference in the area you walk. The ideal place is a beach or a park, for both you and your dog. Off-road walking is far better for both of you, and you can generally let your dog off his lead then. I personally am not in favour of walking them on a lead unless it is essential cos of roads or cos they will run off. They get more exercise when running free, although you can get some long extending leads, which do give them some freedom.

Getting out and enjoying nature has a lot of therapeutic effects on us. Stress levels plummet, the heart and mind are refreshed, daily walks help with joints and muscles, and our hearts beat steadily as well. Although walking at first will tire you, every day you will feel better, and it is good for weight loss as well.
It will be even more fun if you have a dog or two with you or meet up with a friend. Even have a cup of tea/coffee while in the park.

How you walk is up to you. Some walk slowly to enjoy their surroundings and some walk with their heads in their phone, missing the beauty of nature, while others power walk as a form of exercise. However you do it, it will do both you and your dog the world of good.

Whatever you do today, even if it's not the norm, go for a walk and enjoy the scenery and the wildlife, and you will feel a lot better for it when you get home! Don’t forget to take your camera/phone, cos you never know what you will see.

So today, let's have some fun with all sorts of walking and post anything walking-related whether it be with your dog or not. We can also enjoy our usual fun and chit-chat.


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


😸Let’s Have A Fun Weekend😸

