National Dictionary Day

Words are wonderful things - we wouldn’t all be here reading and posting if words did not exist - and there is no better way to broaden your vocabulary than to dive into a dictionary and learn a few new ones.
That is more easily done with a physical dictionary, where you can open it at random and peruse the pages, but there are wordy websites where you can do a similar thing and even ones where you can sign up to get a new word every day sent to your inbox.

If you are into creative writing of any kind, or a translator, or a frequent traveller to foreign countries, you probably use dictionaries a lot.
They help us to pronounce words in the given language and not just give us meanings.

National Dictionary Day is in honour of Noah Webster, the man considered to be the creator of the first American dictionary.
It is meant to encourage us to broaden our knowledge of our language and improve the way we communicate.
So try to learn a new word or two today and appreciate the beauty of language.

And let’s also share anything to do with the day, or with words and books and languages, whether that is gifs, music, pictures or videos.


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


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