🪙 See A Penny, Pick It Up 💷

In America, today is Lucky Penny Day.
If you find a coin out walking, or in a pocket of your jacket or trousers, or down the back of the sofa, it gives you a really good feeling, no matter how small it is!! Today’s the day when it’s extra special to find that lucky little coin.

There are many superstitions that people have regarding pennies…

  • Do not spend a penny that you find. Instead, save it for luck.

  • If you place a penny in your shoe, it will bring good fortune. (Or blisters!!!! 😁)

  • Carrying three pennies with you is going to bring you good luck.

  • Throwing a penny into a wishing well will grant your wish.

  • Tossing a penny when you have a problem enables fate to take care of the issue for you.

  • Coins with holes in them are considered especially lucky.

  • If you put the first penny you get every day into your pocket, you are going to attract more as the day continues.

  • If you find a penny, it means that there is more money coming your way.

  • Tossing a coin is often a way to decide on something - heads, you win, tails, you lose!!

But lucky coins of all denominations are a worldwide thing and the notion of a lucky coin goes back centuries. Ancient civilizations believed that copper and other metals were gifts from the gods, which were intended to provide people with protection from evil. That’s why other metal objects like horseshoes are considered lucky.
And now that there are so many other ways to pay for goods and services - cheques, cards, virtual currencies, and even apps - the humble coin seems even more precious.

So today, let’s celebrate those lucky little pennies and enjoy the light and funny side of all things saving, spending or generally money related, as well as our usual friendly fun and chat.


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


🐢Turtles and Tortoises🐢


🍕It’s National Pizza Party Day🍕