🐢Turtles and Tortoises🐢

Who knows the difference between turtles and tortoises, I certainly didn't!

All tortoises are turtles, in that they belong to the Testudines or Chelonia reptiles, meaning that they have bodies encased in a bony shell, but not all turtles are tortoises.

Turtles live in water most of the time, while tortoises live on land. Tortoises also live longer than turtles and can live to over 300 years, the average being about 150 years, whereas turtles live to the age of 40 but there is always one, and this one lived to the age of 90!

What is it about turtles and tortoises that interests people so much? Turtles are fascinating sea creatures who come to land to face a lot of danger to breed and get back to the sea, and a lot of the young, when born, do not survive the journey down the beach cos of predators waiting for them.
Tortoises make good pets, and I have always wanted one, but never have. They have cute faces and apparently get to know their owners and will come to meet them. They get on with other animals as well.

Today we are going to look at all things turtle and tortoise wise, and have some fun with them, as well as the usual friendly music and chit chat.


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


☀️ Sunshine All The Way ☀️


🪙 See A Penny, Pick It Up 💷