Equinox Time
Today is the equinox when day equals night, and we mark the traditional start of spring or autumn, depending on whether you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.
Here in the UK, we are heading into Spring, and it’s been a much more settled one than we have had in a few years. It’s nice to see the sun again after a very cloudy and gloomy winter.
The trees and hedges are bursting into life, and the first colour appears with primroses, daffodils, and celandines coming into flower.
The birds are singing and starting to nest. Lambs are appearing in the fields.
The grass and newly sprung leaves and plants are a lovely, bright, fresh shade of green.
It’s a wonderful time of year!
Today, let’s celebrate the equinox and the arrival of spring or autumn in images, gifs, music or other videos.
Happy equinox, everyone!