😁🤣Let’s Laugh 😁🤣

They say laughter is the best medicine, so let's make sure we all laugh today. 

Laughter is a reaction to a joke, a picture, or a set of circumstances that releases hormones that keep people happy and healthy. It is good for the soul and for the body. 
Laughter goes back as far as humankind, and the first joke is believed to have been about 4,000 years ago. 

Just laugh and encourage others to do the same, tell a joke, watch a funny film or just be yourself and have fun!

Share the benefits of laughing with others: it relieves stress, soothes tension, improves the immune system, relieves pain and improves mental health.  It’s got a lot going for it, really!

So today, let's have some fun an encourage laughter yourself and with others. 
It does everybody good as it uses muscles in the diaphragm, abdomen and face. Good exercise !!
Post anything laughter-related, music, pics, jokes (clean please), and tell us what makes you laugh.


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


Equinox Time