Exercise And Working Out

We all know that some form of exercise every day is good for us. And you don’t have to join a gym or be young and fit to do that.
Walking is a great exercise that is kind to joints. Make it a power walk to increase the benefits!

For those with health issues, there are workouts designed to be done sitting in a chair or lying on a bed. A little floor-standing pedal cycle is cheaper and easier to store than a bike or static bike.
Even someone with a busy schedule can do the odd 10 minutes of pilates, yoga, or simple stretching exercises at intervals during the day.

You don’t need to spend a fortune on special gym equipment. Bottles of water or tins of beans make simple hand weights, and you can buy a few resistance bands in different colours and resistances for very little.

And if you join an exercise class or enjoy sport, exercise can become a social occasion.

I had to give up high-impact stuff because of knee problems. I really miss cross-country running.
I was always sporty in school and did almost everything. I was the goalkeeper in our local football team and was a horse rider until a few years ago—believe me, that is not just sitting in a saddle while the horse does all the work. You do discover muscles you never knew you had in the strangest places! 😅
I love swimming, and I still cycle on a static bike. I also do some Pilates, hand weights, and resistance work.
Looking after our horses and land also gives me a decent workout, and I walk our dog every day, no matter the weather.

So confession time—what is your exercise regime?
Do you enjoy any sports?
Feel free to share any exercise hints and tips.

Let’s work up a sweat today by sharing all things exercise-related!


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


⛸️⛸️Let’s go Ice Skating⛸️⛸️


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