🐱😼😸National Kitten Day🐱😼😸

 Who doesn't love a tiny helpless baby kitten? They are so cute and dependent that you fall in love with them, and as they grow older, they endear themselves and make your heart melt and wind you around their tiny cute paws.

Before you take on a kitten or two, or any animal just ask yourself, can you give it the time and care it needs? Can you play with it, fuss it, love it, and feed it as required? Also, think about vet's fees, nowadays they aren't cheap believe me, and your kitten will need to be neutered, treated for fleas, vaccinated and microchipped without anything unexpected happening

According to records, cats and kittens have been domesticated for at least 10,000 years. In Egypt, they were revered and treated as Gods, and they have not forgotten that! The cats were often buried with their owners to reunite in the afterlife. Often, if a cat or kitten died, the family shaved their eyebrows as a sign of grief. 

This day was started in 2012 to show the plight of some less fortunate cats and kittens—the feral ones, the ones in shelters etc.—and to try and raise money for them and to make people realise what good companions cats can be. They are ideal if you are working as they can be left whereas dogs don't like being apart from you. 

To celebrate today, spoil your kitten more than usual, if that is possible. They can be quite demanding, and their word goes.   

You could buy them a new toy, something really nice for dinner. Play with them, groom them, scratch them and rub their tiny tums. Just make the most of them cos as they get older, they generally become more independent, and, sadly, don't stay kittens for long. 

If for various reasons, you can't have a kitten, go volunteer at a rescue centre and help out or make a small donation to that centre, take a box of food in for them, all will be gratefully received. 

Even if you already have a kitten, you could always adopt another one. The more, the merrier, believe me!

So today, post all things cat/kitten related and let's enjoy what we have while we have them, cos they aren't around for long really, unfortunately, and time flies. 


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