🥳 Happy Birthday, Kandy 🎂

Yes, it’s a very special day for Kandy, a lovely lady and a fellow member of the Disqus wolf pack!

So, we are going to have a party here, with music, dancing, and balloons…

Birthday parties have to have cake, of course, so only one kind will do!

Now, it’s time to get down to the birthday celebrations, so let’s share some pictures, gifs, music, and lots of wolves to help make Kandy’s day.
Oh, and I hope you dance!

Happy birthday, Kandy, from all in The Dog House!
Have a wonderful day!


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


🌭🌭🌭October Is National Sausage Month🌭🌭🌭


Favourite Duets