💤How Well Do You Sleep?💤

Sleep is something we all need and do, or try to in some cases, but how well do we sleep?
The recommended for the average adult is about 8 hours, but that is a lot to ask in some cases.

Many things can keep us awake in the small hours: money problems, relationship problems, ill health, and generally worry over something.

What do you do to try and sleep? Count sheep, count backwards, read a book or play on your tablet? Whatever you do, I bet it doesn't work. Some people get up and make a cuppa.

There are no hard and fast rules for getting a good night's sleep, some things work for one person but not another.
Here are a few tips. Sorry, I can’t guarantee any of them.

  • Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

  • Get more exercise; always beneficial to a good night’s sleep.

  • Don't have your bedroom too warm, or too cold. About 16C (60F) is OK.

  • Don't expect to fall asleep straight away. Wind down a bit, and a good way is by reading a book.

  • Dim the lights and tell your brain it's sleep time.

  • Turn off computers, phones, or any other devices an hour before bedtime. I wonder how many of us do that.

  • Try meditation; deep breathing exercises help the brain to relax and tell the brain it’s time for sleep.

So let's focus today on sleeping. No, come on wake up, lol! I mean trying to sleep at night and let’s post all things sleep-related along with our usual friendly chat and fun.


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