City, Town, Or Countryside?

We have many choices as to where we live - city, town, village or open countryside - but often what we would like isn’t what we can have. Maybe it’s financial reasons, work or family commitments that keep us in a certain area.
But all have their pluses and minuses.

The countryside can seem idyllic, but things can get difficult in extreme winter weather, and power cuts etc. may be more frequent. Getting deliveries may be harder or more expensive.
And villages can be cliquey and “outsiders” may find it hard or even impossible to integrate.
Also, it means travelling by car or bus to go shopping or to visit a doctor, well to do anything mostly!!

But these sorts of views can be worth all the aggro.

But towns and cities, if you don’t mind being more crowded together with your fellow humans, can have a lot to offer in terms of things to do and services.

Restaurants, cafés, shops, supermarkets, and personal services like hairdressers are all on your doorstep. There are cinemas, museums and art galleries to visit.
And most have several green spaces where you can escape the concrete and get back to nature a bit.

So, do you live in a city, town, village, or out in the countryside?
And given the choice, where would you like to live, if money etc was not a problem?


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


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