🎶It’s A Musical Monday🎶

I think most of us here had our first music on vinyl - 33s and 45s, and maybe some old 78s still lingering around. We all probably had transistor radios too.
And music out and about was a juke box down the pub full of 45s!!
I do still have all my vinyl and a HiFi system with a turntable. I am glad I kept them all now.
For me, the album artwork was as big a part of that as the music inside. Some album covers are iconic!!

Then cassette tapes were invented and we could have music in our cars and could tape music from the radio - if the DJs didn’t talk over the beginning or end - or record our vinyl records and make them portable.
Then came the personal music players like the Sony Walkman and ghetto blasters!!

And following on swiftly from those came the CD - the death knell for so many people’s vinyl and cassette tape collections!!
And I do still have all of my music CDs too!! 😁

But their reign was short-lived and there came the digital revolution, and the advent of music downloads and MP3 players like the iPod etc.
And yes, I still have my iPods somewhere!!! 😂

And now, of course, we have sites on the Internet like YouTube, where we can watch music videos as well as hear the music, and music streaming services like Spotify.
We can take our music with us on our phones.

So, what was your best-remembered way to listen to music and how do you get your music now?

And let’s share our favourite genres, artists and songs today, as well as our usual friendly fun and chat!!


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


🌶️Let’s Enjoy Some Chili🌶️


🍎💕The Colour Red🍎💕