🌶️Let’s Enjoy Some Chili🌶️

There aren't many people that don’t love a nice hot chili. The thought of it, served on top of a jacket spud, or with rice or sour cream on the top just makes your mouth water. How hot you make it depends on your taste buds, to me the hotter the better!

Maybe best not to add all of these !!

A lot of people think it is a Mexican dish but some think it was created in Texas in 1828 and is a mix of Native American, Spanish and Mexican cuisine. Some say it goes back even further and that some immigrants from the Canary Islands took the recipe with them to San Antonia in the 1700's but i those days it was called "Spanish Stew!

The dish was always known as Chili con carne, but now has become known as Chili, and it basically means chili with meat.

There are loads of different recipes for this dish, I use one from a Mexican cookbook and its secret ingredient is cumin, and I have tasted chili without it in and to me, it isn't as nice, but everybody has different taste buds.

Chili is very versatile and easy to cook, it cooks lovely in a slow cooker, and cook extra cos it freezes well. Is great for sharing with friends, served with Mexican rice (spicy rice) , stuffed into a taco, eaten with nachos, or just plain chili in a bowl topped with sour cream, or you can even make it into meatballs !!

So how do you like your chili, let us know how hot you make it and please any good recipes if not too long would be great.

We will spend today enjoying this fabulous dish, and maybe even have some for dinner. So let's post all things chili-related, gifs, music etc. along with our usual fun and friendly chit chat


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


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