🕷️🕷️It’s National Face Your Fears Day🕷️🕷️

We all have fears of something or other, most of which are irrational and can generally be overcome, if we have the courage to do so.

Some of the most common, are spiders, heights, or public speaking. But there are loads of others, and all are important to those that have these fears.

Scientists say that fear is purely physical, and when confronted by your fear, a physical reaction occurs in the brain - yes, screaming!! The brain alerts the nervous system of a threat, and stress hormones are released. Blood Pressure rises, heart rate increases and palms get sweaty. It is not a pleasant experience. The fact that it is involuntary means we can't help it, and we are allowing our emotions to control us.

They say we should face our fears, often easier said than done.
My fear is spiders. Ok, I don't scream and get hysterical, but I don't want them near me, and if a large one fell on me, then all hell would be let loose. I can just about put up with them in the same room, as long as they are far enough away from me. I have tried having one on me, a very small one, and no I went into panic mode!

There are ways to overcome your fears they say, go and do whatever it is you are frightened of, or even get hypnotised and see if that works. But it all needs courage. Apparently, when facing your fears never panic!!!!!!!!! Easier said than done.

So, today, let's look at our fears, rational or irrational, and they say talking about them helps as well.

Post anything fear-related, in the way of music, gifs or pics along with our usual friendly chitchat and fun!


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


🎵🎶Let’s Have A Musical Weekend🎵🎶


World Post Day