World Post Day

Yes, today is World Post Day, and the postal system has come a long way from the Pony Express and the mail coaches.

World Post Day is here to remind us of how postal services became easier for everyone when countries all over the world finally agreed just how mail of all kinds would be dealt with. Before this, things were very difficult in terms of getting letters and packages anywhere. Different rules all over the place!!

The Universal Postal Union began in 1874 when it was established by the Treaty of Bern, which was the result of an international conference, hosted by the Swiss government, to get an agreement on universal postal regulations so that mail could be exchanged freely between countries and continents.

It’s made it much easier to send gifts to family and friends abroad for birthdays or Christmas etc.

There is something very special about receiving a letter, card or postcard, especially these days when so much is electronic.
Birthday or Christmas cards are decorations of their own!!

And the postal service and couriers helped us all immensely during the pandemic, especially those who were housebound.

And the stamps that can be bought to send letters and cards are often collector’s times in their own right.
I did have a stamp collection as a kid. So many beautiful stamps!!

To celebrate this day, we can take the time to send mail to a loved one, a family member, or a close friend. Or if you see your mailman or if a courier comes to your house to deliver something, thank them for what they do.

So today, let’s celebrate everything that is wonderful about the postal system, letters, mailmen and such like, as well as sharing our normal fun and chat!!


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


🕷️🕷️It’s National Face Your Fears Day🕷️🕷️


😸Let’s Have A Fun Weekend😸