It’s National No Excuses Day

Today is National No Excuses Day.
How often do we get invited somewhere and our first thought is how do I get out of this? We often make up stupid excuses on the spur of the moment as well, which makes it perfectly clear that we don't want to go.
I mean “My pet fish is feeling stressed out and needs me to stay home.” !! Is anybody going to believe that?

When I was younger and got asked out by a fellow I didn't want to go out with, it was sorry but I'm washing my hair!!!

Sometimes life does get in the way of invites, or trying to do something, and it is generally something we don't fancy doing.
We have mastered the art of making excuses.

This day was founded by a Canadian organization, Scene, and is to encourage people not to make excuses, but to go out and have fun with friends, and to do those jobs that we all put off.

So today, let's get those horrible jobs done with no excuse and let's not turn down an invite by making excuses and if no invites come along, well you invite somebody for a coffee, a meal or a drink and remind them it is No Excuse Day.

Here are some fun excuses people have made to get out of doing stuff or accepting an invite.

  • I fell over in the shower and knocked myself out.

  • I had a dream that my cat died and now I’m afraid to leave her alone.

  • A cow broke into my house and I have to stay home to wait for the insurance man.

  • I was sitting on the toilet so long that my legs fell asleep. When I stood up, I immediately fell down and broke my ankle.

So, no excuses today, come and join is for some fun and no excuses accepted!! Post anything excuse-related, and tell us some of yours to get out of things, along with our usual friendly chit chat!


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


🎵It’s Open Thread Weekend🎵


🍳National Cooking Day🍳