☀️ It’s Summertime 🏖

Yesterday was the summer solstice - for those of us in the Northern hemisphere. (Winter for those down under.)

It signals the start of Summer, the season of sunshine - we hope.
The time of colourful flowers in the garden and crops growing in the vegetable patch or out in the field. A time of birds, butterflies and bees.

A time for going to the beach or enjoying a picnic or barbecue.

Maybe a nice little break at the seaside, or in the country, or just enjoying a bit of peace and quiet relaxing at home.

Do you have anything planned for over the summer?
Are you a beach lover or a chill-at-home person?

Today, let’s celebrate all things summery in whatever form you like - music, gifs, memes, videos, or pictures - as well as our normal friendly fun and chat.


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


😺🐶Pets Galore😺🐶


Monday, Monday