😺🐶Pets Galore😺🐶

I would imagine that we all have or have had pets in the past. The most popular being dogs or cats, but there are a lot of other animals people have as pets, horses, reptiles, birds, fish to name a few.

Whatever we have, they give us pleasure, and all they ask in return is a lot of love and understanding, a nice bed, although their ideas of nice differ from ours, and a good meal, and if your a dog, a nice walk. They also require a lot of care and take a lot of your time and money but are worth it. It is a big commitment to take on a pet of any description, and sadly so many do it without thought, and just discard them when bored or have a problem with them.

Even fish take some looking after as the tank has to be well maintained, water changes etc. etc. but they are one pet you can leave for a few days away. Reptiles are also popular, something I am dead against, they need specialist care and handling to ensure they are happy and healthy, and cost a lot to have, as many require special terrariums and heat lamps to survive.

I have had rescue dogs and cats for nearly 50 years now, and I have enjoyed every minute of it, and although obviously not still got them, I can remember them all with love and happiness. I am now down to 2 dogs and 5 cats. These are my two dogs

Badger who is 12

Taff who is now 14

There is always an argument about which makes the best pets. Dogs or cats: well cats are loving but independent but loving on their terms, and dogs want you 24/7 and just want to please you. I have had both and to be honest, both have advantages.

So, what pets do you or have you had, show us some pics if you have them, and let's post pet-related stuff as well as our usual friendly chit chat.


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


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