
We are all born with the 5 senses. Unfortunately, sometimes they donโ€™t always work as they should, and certainly, as you get older, they donโ€™t.

When we are young, we take everything for granted, but there comes a time when we should start looking after our senses. Our eyes, and ears do start to fade the older we get, and anything we can do when younger to look after them can only help. We use each of them a lot every day, and we canโ€™t imagine being without them.

So, today, post all things relating to our senses, music, gifs, pics, etc. and try and imagine what life would be like without those 5 things


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


Fatherโ€™s Day


๐ŸŽ Happy Birthday, Amalthea ๐ŸŽ‚