What Is Your Destiny?

What is Fate?
What is Destiny?
Some people use those two words interchangeably, but to me, they mean something a little different.

To me, Fate suggests something that is fixed and controlled by forces other than our own will. If something is a consequence of Fate, it is something that would have happened regardless of anything we or anyone else might have done. It is something that was meant to be, whatever, and cannot be changed.

Many cultures have used the idea of three Fates that decide our lifespan and journey at birth.
One spins the yarn of our lives, one measures it, and the third cuts it!

However, I believe our Destiny is something we can shape ourselves with our own choices and decisions. We might come to a crossroads or a fork in the road through life, but which way do we go? Those choices will affect what else we are going to meet along the way and hence, our destiny.

And now we come to Karma!
I am not religious, so I follow my own moral code regarding my behaviour. But it pretty much aligns with some religions, I guess, in that I try to be supportive of people I meet and take any responsibilities that I have towards others very seriously. I do my utmost to keep promises and won’t make them unless I intend to keep them. I believe in being honest, kind, tolerant and patient and in owning any mistakes I may make and learning from them. We all make mistakes, after all. The only difference is in how we handle those and move on from them.

Some people only mention Karma as a force of retribution to be wished on to others who behave badly, but I think of Karma as something that you create for yourself. Yes, if you constantly behave badly towards others, you will generate bad Karma for yourself, and eventually, this will catch up with you in some way. But equally, if you try to do good towards others, you will be rewarded in some way with good Karma.
In other words, you will reap what you sow!
Sometimes, it takes a while for Karma to give you your just rewards, but it will get there eventually.

So, do you believe in Fate, Destiny or Karma, and if so, how do you define them?
Have you ever had things happen that you that you can put down to any of those three?

Let’s share all things about the threads we weave in the tapestries of our lives in whatever way you wish.


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


Dance Away


Betty Boop The Legend