Dream Destinations

Whether your idea of a holiday is hiking, sightseeing, or lounging by a pool or on a beach, the world has many exciting or relaxing places to go.

One of my favourite things about going on holiday is trying the authentic local cuisine—now I bet that surprised you all! 😅

Seriously, I don’t see the point of travelling to another country without sampling the local food.

A couple of my favourite countries that I have visited are Italy and Norway, but I also enjoyed Germany—that was pre-reunification, and it would be nice to see the whole country—and France.
I am not a heat lover at all, and my holidays have to be active—no sunbathing for me—so I am not a fan of very hot countries. When I went to Tunisia in the winter, that was pleasant.
Countries that I haven’t visited yet but would love to include Iceland, Canada, and parts of the US. I am more of a country than a city person, but I think New York and San Francisco would be fun to visit. And in San Francisco, I could sit in Disqus’s lobby and pinch their wi-fi! 😅

But my wandering days were when I was young, free, and single, and my recent holidays have been in the UK, where we booked a cottage in the country where we could take our dog.
This was one of my favourites—a cottage near Dartmoor in Devon, where we stayed for several years until it was turned into a timeshare.
I would always walk with my dog up the track to the top of the hill just after dawn every morning. The early light was fantastic and great for photography, and no one else was around except me, my dog, and a few rabbits and squirrels—perfect!

So have you had any dream holidays in the past?
Where are your favourite places to go and things to do?
Is there somewhere in the world that you would like to visit?

Let’s have a virtual vacation today and share music, images and gifs to put us in the holiday spirit!


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.




🚐⛺🌄It’s National Camping Month🚐⛺🌄