
I consider a hobby as something you do on a regular basis that gives you pleasure, first and foremost, and that helps you unwind mentally and leave behind your daily worries for a little while.

It can be something based outdoors, like gardening, beekeeping, or fishing, or something active, like hiking, biking, diving, playing sports, golfing, horseriding, etc.

Or it may be something more creative like modelmaking, woodworking, painting, knitting, crafting, pottery or playing a musical instrument.

It could also involve collecting items, such as stamps, fossils, fine china, and other memorabilia, or taking part in train or aircraft spotting.
Some enjoy playing games like chess or video games. Or just sitting with their feet up, reading books.

Many hobbies are solitary activities, but a lot have clubs where you can meet like-minded enthusiasts.

When I was a kid, I collected stamps and did bird watching.
In my younger adulthood, it was horseriding, sports of all kinds, painting and making model ships.
These days, my hobbies are digital art, playing video games and gardening. I would like to return to real art and modelmaking at some point—I have a ship to finish!

So, do you have any hobbies, and if so, what are they?
Or did you have some when you were younger?
Perhaps there is something you would dearly love to try, time and money permitting.

Today, let’s while away a little time discussing hobbies!


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


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